06 December 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday the Struna’s (see their webpages at this link) continue sharing their experiences and plans as missionaries with Give Hope 2 Kids, Instituto Del Rey, and Jungle Hospital in La Cuenca, Honduras.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 41 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson: “Kanafim” (car-na-fim) = “wings” and “corner”, e.g., see Malachi 4:2; Matthew 9:20, Mark 5:25-34, and Luke 8:43-48.

Please join us for worship at Melbourne Community Church this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of attenders who connect briefly (about 45 minutes) after the worship service. Newcomers are always welcome. Please let me know if you would like to join us this Sunday.

29 November 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday the Struna’s will be sharing their experiences and plans as missionaries to Honduras. See their webpages at this link.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 40 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson: “Nephesh” = soul. We are told, several places in Scripture, to love the Lord “with all our souls.” How do we do that? Another translation of “nephesh” is “life.” Could it mean that we are to love the Lord with all our lives for all our lives? I believe that is exactly what it means. We are going to need a Savior!

MCC News:  Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that your family enjoyed a sweet celebration, however you were able to do it this year. We enjoyed a quiet, non-traditional meal for three at our house, and we connected with family and friends by text throughout the day. (In a related story, Yield Design is having a busy season of holiday sales. What a world!) Thanksgiving reminds me of one of my favorite hymns, “Count Your Blessings.” The lyrics would be a good devotional start to every day: “Name them one by one. See what God has done.”

Angel Tree news: The last time I checked, we were down to our last few families of angels. I predict that the last ones will be claimed this weekend. If you would like to buy a gift this year, contact Barbara Murgatroyd at barbarajmurgatroyd@gmail.com or text 321-355-9705.

How to deliver the unwrapped gifts?

  1. If you come to church in person, please bring them to the building with you.

  2. If you shop online, you could have them mailed to Barbara.

  3. Hope Ministries can also be a drop off place since Barbara and Tom are on staff there.

  4. You could drop them off at MCC during any mid-week meeting or by appointment.

The Strunas are back! They will be our speakers (in my place) at MCC for the next two Sundays. I encourage you to join us and learn about where they have been and what they intend to do when they return to Honduras in early 2021.

This year’s advent series is titled “Prepare the Way” from the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 1-3. Please pray for me as I prepare. I’m excited that the Strunas’ visit will give me extra time to devote to this series. Also, ask the Lord to show you whom you might invite, and how. This year might require some creativity. Consider asking someone to “join” you at the live streamed service, and then meet up in the virtual foyer afterward.

I have found that attending church virtually is less satisfying that the in-person experience for sure, but it is better that missing out entirely. For those who struggle to stay connected, I encourage you to persevere. The Lord is at work. 2020 has been a refiner’s fire / olive press / threshing fork. I have seen families heated and crushed and tossed, but amid the death and disease, our kingdom offers hope and promise. Thank you for looking out for each other.

Please pray for our nephew Nichols in SC. He was enjoying a cousins’ golf cart adventure yesterday when he sustained a concussion, and possibly more. He received immediate care, and we believe he will fully recover.

Please join us for worship at Melbourne Community Church this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of attenders who connect briefly (about 45 minutes) after the worship service. Newcomers are always welcome. Please let me know if you would like to join us this Sunday.

22 November 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday's sermon is titled “Yet I Will Rejoice” from Habakkuk 3.  The Old Testament reading is Psalm 18:30-36, and the New Testament reading is Hebrews 12:1-3.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 39 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson: Gethsemane” = olive press. The garden where Jesus prayed the night before he was crucified was not named for Mr. Gethsemane, but rather for a wine press. The symbolism here is old news for students of the “suffering servant” prophecies in Isaiah. Just as olives are crushed to produce a sustaining and healing oil, so Jesus was crushed for our iniquities, to save us and restore us. As his followers, we will have opportunities to experience “crushing” moments of our own. Let’s pray for his healing to flow into us and through us during those times.

MCC News:  MCC’s Phase II is continuing tomorrow for our youngest Sunday school kids. The guidelines are mostly what you would expect, but parents can see the specific details on our website.

Last Sunday was the day our kids helped pack approximately 100 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Thanks to all of you who have donated. If you missed out on the shoeboxes, or if you are looking for more opportunities to be generous during the holidays, we will switch to Angel Tree this week as usual.

Here is some Angel Tree news. The best way to get an angel this year is to send an email or text directly to Barbara Murgatroyd. She can send you the “tree,” the list of children with gift requests, so that you can choose and let her know. How to deliver the unwrapped gifts?

  1. If you come to church in person, please bring them to the building with you.

  2. If you shop online, you could have them mailed to Barbara.

  3. Hope Ministries can also be a drop off place since Barbara and Tom are on staff there.

  4. You could drop them off at MCC during any mid-week meeting or by appointment.

Tomorrow is the end of our three-week series on Habakkuk, and here’s a fun fact about tomorrow’s message: I made my own deer costume for the exciting finale. For those of you who remember this later, the funny part will be that I referred to it as making a “costume.”

The Strunas are back! They will be our speakers (in my place) at MCC for the next two Sundays. I encourage you to join us and learn about where they have been and what they intend to do when they return to Honduras in early 2021.

There is a new/old feature on the MCC website. Tim is bringing back the bulletin in virtual form, and it’s not just a nostalgic way to read the news. He is also bringing back another new/old feature of the bulletin, and that is an insert for note-takers to use during the sermon. I know it is sometimes harder to feel engaged for those of us who are attending remotely, and I hope this will help.

MCC Do-Gooders: Thanks for all the vehicle help in a few different directions over the last few weeks. All the needs have been addressed.

Please join us for worship at Melbourne Community Church this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of attenders who connect briefly (about 45 minutes) after the worship service. Newcomers are always welcome. Please contact me any way you can if you would like to join us this Sunday. 

15 November 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday's sermon is titled “Be Silent Before Him” from Habakkuk 2.  The Old Testament reading is Daniel 5:1-9, and the New Testament reading is Galatians 3:1-14.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 38 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson: “Ohr” = light. The Hebrew word means “to illuminate” or “to dispel darkness.” Jesus seized upon this image and referred to both himself and his followers as “the light of the world.” The apostle John also had a lot to say about light in the darkness. Consider the useful purposes of light, for the ancients and for us: safety, security, warmth, improved vision, even sustaining life. Are we having this kind of impact on the world around us?

MCC News:  MCC’s Phase II is starting tomorrow for our Sunday school kids. The guidelines are mostly what you would expect, but parents can see the specific details on our website (and we might post them here later in the comments).

Tomorrow is also the day our kids (including the ones who are too old for Phase II Sunday school) can help pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Thanks to all of you who have donated. If you missed out on the shoeboxes, or if you are looking for more opportunities to be generous during the holidays, we will switch to Angel Tree next week as usual.

The Strunas are back! But they are quarantining with Kim for the next two weeks. Thank you to Will for bringing them home from the Miami airport yesterday. They will be at church on Sunday, 11/29 and also Sunday, 12/6. I hope you will be able to connect with Chris and Sharon somehow before they head back to Honduras soon.

MCC Do-Gooders: Here’s an opportunity to help just by making connections. I am trying to find two cars, one temporary and one permanent. I have a friend who needs a reasonably priced, reliable car with good AC. Also, we are looking for a car that our missionary friends could use for several weeks from late November until the start of 2021. Please contact me if you have an idea for either car.

Please join us for worship at Melbourne Community Church this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of attenders who connect briefly (about 45 minutes) after the worship service. Newcomers are always welcome. Please contact me any way you can if you would like to join us this Sunday.

08 November 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday's sermon is titled “Utterly Amazed” from Habakkuk 1:1 - 2:1.  The Old Testament reading is II Kings 21:1-18, and the New Testament reading is Romans 1:8-17.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 37 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson: “Hasidut” (or “Chasidut”) = to walk intimately with God. Perhaps you have seen the word “Hasidic” used as a synonym for orthodox Judaism. It’s the same root. A hasid is pious person who sets out every day to pursue God’s will, obeying and serving Him to show our love and loyalty. For Christians, it is not distinctive dress that identifies us as hasidic, but rather the simple routine of seeking the Lord’s direction in prayer coupled with obedient follow-through.  

Let’s continue to pray for this year’s election. Our Lord is Sovereign over all of history, including the future parts.  This was true even before voting was invented. I am glad we live in a time and place where we get to vote, but it is God whom I trust to bring good things to his people out of any circumstance.

MCC News:  MCC’s Phase II is starting soon. That will include opportunities for our small groups and a Sunday school class for our younger kids starting next Sunday, 11/14 (not tomorrow). The details and guidelines for next week’s class will be announced at church tomorrow, and we will post them on this website and on the Facebook post next week.

Next Sunday is also the week our kids (including the ones who are too old for Phase II Sunday school) can help pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Thanks to all of you who have donated. We have one more week to donate for the shoeboxes, then we will switch to Angel Tree as usual.

Please pray for the Eley family. Some of our MCC Eleys are traveling to GA this weekend for the memorial service for Edmond’s brother.

MCC Do-Gooders: Here’s an opportunity to help just by making connections. I am trying to find two cars, one temporary and one permanent. I have a friend who needs a reasonably priced, reliable car with good AC. Also, we are looking for a car that our missionary friends could use for several weeks from mid-November until the start of 2021. Please contact me if you have an idea for either car.

Tomorrow’s sermon is the start of a new 3-week series on Habakkuk. As usual, for those with the time and inclination, I would recommend that you prepare by reading the entire book in one sitting.. This time it is only three chapters.

We will conclude the “History v. Hamilton” zoom meetings this Friday at 6:00 PM. All are invited, and there is no expectation that you should have attended the earlier ones. This week, we will discuss Act II. If you don’t see the invitation on Facebook, let me know and I can send you a link.

Please join us for worship at Melbourne Community Church this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of attenders who connect briefly (about 45 minutes) after the worship.

01 November 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday's sermon is titled “How Majestic!” from Psalm 8.  The Old Testament reading is Job 7:17-21, and the New Testament reading is I Corinthians 15:42-49.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 36 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson: “Emunah” = faith. Adamson illustrates the connection between belief and practice with an analogy: You cannot become a talented musician just by reading about the instrument and studying music theory. You must also pick up the instrument and play it. This Hebrew word for faith means to “act with firmness.” The most faithful people are not ones with particular ministries or callings but all who are actively living lives punctuated by “Yes, Lord!”

Andy Stanley says faith “is measured by how well one loves, not by how much one knows.”  It’s like a staircase. We know it goes higher, but we must climb the stairs to experience the next level. Our actions display our faith more than our words do, and those actions also help build our faith.

Let’s pray for Tuesday’s election. Our Lord is Sovereign over all of history, including the future parts.  This was true even before voting was invented. I’m glad we get to vote, but it’s God whom I trust to bring good things to his people out of any circumstance (even if it’s not easy to recognize the good part at first).

MCC News:   Chris and Sharon Struna have their plane tickets, and we expect them to be back in Brevard County in mid-November. We are looking forward to hearing from Chris and Sharon and seeing their photos on the last Sunday in November and the first Sunday in December.

Tomorrow is the end of our Psalms We Sing series for this year, and we will finish with Psalm 8. Next week we will start a 3-week series on Habakkuk. (I hope that our kids who are going back to Sunday school class won’t be too sad about missing out on my Habakkuk series). As usual, I invite you to engage early if you can by reading the entire book before we start. This time it’s only three chapters. For those who like to plan ahead, after the Strunas, our advent series this year will be titled “Prepare the Way” and it is from Matthew 1-3. After the New Year, we will finish our 3-part series on Luke’s gospel.

MCC News (that is no longer new): Please continue to pray for the family of Patricia Carter. There will be a memorial service with limited seating at her home church, Hope Episcopal in Melbourne, on Sunday, November 1st at 1:00 PM. There will also be a drive-by memorial for students and colleagues on Monday, November 2nd at 7:00-8:00 PM. (Gina and I will not be attending the church service Sunday, but we are participating in the drive-by memorial on Monday).

Last night was our second “History vs. Hamilton” zoom meeting. We will continue the next two weeks on Fridays at 6:00 PM. Next week, we’ll be ready to discuss the first part of Act II. Come with questions if you can. All are invited. If you don’t see the invitation on Facebook, let me know and I can send you a link.

Please join us for worship at Melbourne Community Church this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of virtual attenders who connect briefly (about 30-45 minutes) after the worship service. Newcomers are always welcome. Please contact me any way you can if you would like to join us this Sunday. 

25 October 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday's sermon is titled “From Strength to Strength” from Psalm 84.  The Old Testament reading is Psalm 42:1-11, and the New Testament reading is II Corinthians 3:9-18.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 35 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson:

Ruach” = Spirit or wind or breath of God. This helps me answer one of history’s mysteries: How did the disciples of Jesus go from being who they were the week of the crucifixion – good at scattering and sleeping on duty and denying Jesus to save themselves – to becoming the world changers we read about in the book of Acts? Two important things changed them: 1. They saw Jesus after his resurrection; and 2. They were visited by the Spirit of God at Pentecost.

Similarly, when we become convinced of the reality of the resurrection of Jesus and surrender to him as Lord, we can expect to be transformed by the “ruach” of God. For some in our congregation, this is part of our history. We can look back and see what the Lord had done in our lives. We are not the people we used to be, and we thank God for that. Others need this in your future, that intervention from God that will follow your surrender to him. All of us are works in progress, still under transformation empowered by God’s spirit.

MCC News:

Please continue to pray for the family of Patricia Carter. There will be a memorial service with limited seating at her home church, Hope Episcopal in Melbourne, on Sunday, November 1st at 1:00 PM. There will also be a drive-by memorial for students and colleagues on Monday, November 2nd at 7:00-8:00 PM. (Gina and I will not be attending the church service Sunday, but we are participating in the drive-by memorial on Monday).

Last night was our first “History vs. Hamilton” zoom meeting. We will continue the next three weeks on Fridays at 6:00 PM. Next week, we’ll be ready to discuss all of Act I. Come with questions if you can. All are invited. If you don’t see the invitation on Facebook, let me know and I can send you a link.

Please join us for worship at Melbourne Community Church this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of virtual attenders who connect briefly (about 30-45 minutes) after the worship service. Newcomers are always welcome. Please contact me any way you can if you would like to join us this Sunday

18 October 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday's sermon is titled “The Fountain of Life” from Psalm 36.  The Old Testament reading is Proverbs 16:18-24, and the New Testament reading is Romans 8:31-39.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 34 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson:

Hesed” or “Chesed” = unfailing love. This is the week I have been waiting for since we started this book. If this were like a classroom memory assignment, this is the week many at MCC can take a break because we already know this one. I have seen it translated many ways, none better than Adamson’s “unfailing love.” For years before we started studying this book I have said to our congregation, “If you learn only one Hebrew word to help your understanding of the Old Testament, make it this one.” Isaiah 54:10 says

“Though the mountains be shaken
    and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love (hesed) for you will not be shaken
    nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
    says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

MCC News: Now here’s something just for fun: One of my former students contacted me and floated the idea of some kind of watch party event based on the musical “Hamilton.” That sounds fun and easy, so here’s my plan: not an actual watch party, but a post-viewing zoom meeting to discuss several songs a week. I’m thinking of 4-5 weeks starting next Friday, 10/23 at 6:00 PM.  Everyone is invited, but you will need a Zoom link. Please let me know if you are interested.

Please join us for worship at Melbourne Community Church this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of virtual attenders who connect briefly (about 30-45 minutes) after the worship service. Newcomers are always welcome. Please contact me any way you can if you would like to join us this Sunday. 

11 October 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday's sermon is titled “But a Breath” from Psalm 39.  The Old Testament reading is Job 7:1-21, and the New Testament reading is Matthew 5:1-10.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (Link).

Week 33 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson: “Malkhut shamayim” = the heavens. We tend to think of heaven as up there, where God lives, and that is not inaccurate. There are many Bible passages that refer to the heavens as the place above us where the stars and planets are. However, Jesus described the Kingdom of Heaven that was “at hand.” In his word pictures, Jesus described the Kingdom of Heaven as being like a farmer, fisherman, merchant, gardener, treasure seeker, cook. There is an “already, but not yet” aspect to any discussion of the Kingdom of Heaven. One day, the Lord will reign over all the earth, but in the meantime the Kingdom of Heaven is on display through the lives of those who are submitted to Jesus. We are like the advance team of the coming King.

MCC News:  Our small groups are up and going, and I see ministry happening in and among our congregation in several different directions. If you are feeling disconnected, please consider one of the groups that remain open throughout the year, like our Wednesday evening study of Ephesians led by Rick and Susan Krebs.

Tomorrow is the start of our newest season of Psalms We Sing. I think this is our fifth time doing a month of Psalms, but it might be our fourth. We will study and sing Psalm 39. Feel free to read ahead. Psalm 36 is next week.

Please join us for worship this weekend, however you can. The live service begins at 9:00 AM, and it is live streamed on our YouTube channel. The full service is available on our website after that.

Our “virtual foyer” Zoom meeting has settled into a steady group of virtual attenders who connect briefly (about 30-45 minutes) after the worship service. I’m going to stop publishing the zoom link here, but newcomers are always welcome. Please contact me any way you can if you would like to join us this Sunday.

04 October 2020 Sunday Announcements

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Sunday's sermon is titled “What Can We Do?” and it is part 2 of a 2-part topical series titled “Faith and Politics”.  The Old Testament reading is Jeremiah 17:5-10, and the New Testament reading is I Corinthians 9:19-23.

There will be only one  MCC in-person service this Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Live streamed Virtual Church (link) is available streaming at 9:00 AM

Virtual Foyer  on Zoom (link) at 10:15 AM.

The recorded services are also available on MCC YouTube Channel (link).

Week 32 of 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know by Dave Adamson: “Yerushalayim” = You will see God. Even though it is spelled differently, if you try to pronounce this aloud, it will be easier to recognize this as the Hebrew name for Jerusalem. Perhaps you remember that the root “salem” is the same root as “shalom” – the peace of God. Therefore, this word points to two cities: the one in Israel and also the heavenly city where we will ultimately see the peace of God.

MCC News:  This afternoon we are having a private memorial service for the family of our long-term friend Jose Martinez-Diaz. Please pray for his family and friends.

Tomorrow is the second and last installment of a two-part topical series titled “Faith and Politics.” If you wonder why I don’t mention the President’s illness in my message, it’s because I recorded it Tuesday afternoon before I heard that news. Please pray.